Conference call details

Live Call Access Numbers For Participants
Country Access Number
Hong Kong - Toll Free (*0 for Operator) 800 966 117
Other Countries - International +27 11 535 3600
Other Countries - International +27 10 201 6800
South Africa - Johannesburg Neotel 011 535 3600
South Africa - Johannesburg Telkom 010 201 6800
UK - Toll-Free 0808 162 4061
USA and Canada - Toll Free 1 855 481 5362
Playback Access Numbers - Playback Code: 54400
Country Access Number
Other Countries - International +27 11 305 2030
South Africa 011 305 2030
UK - Toll Free 0 808 234 6771
USA and Canada - Toll Free 1 855 481 5363