Arxo Logistics

Arxo Logistics provides an integrated logistics platform that reduces the risk and costs of transporting concentrates. It manages the road transportation of Tharisa’s PGM concentrates to Impala Platinum and the long haul transportation of chrome concentrates from the Tharisa Mine and K3 UG2 chrome plant to international customers through bulk and container vessels. Exports take place via the Richards Bay Dry Bulk Terminal and the Durban container port on the South African coast.

Arxo Logistics has a good relationship with both South Africa’s transport parastatals, Transnet and the port authorities. Arxo Logistics currently has the exclusive use of the Marikana railway siding for chrome exports.

Arxo Logistics shipped a total of 1.1 Mt (2018: 1.3 Mt) of chrome concentrate in FY2019 mostly to main ports in China, including third-party materials.

Of this, 99.6% was shipped in bulk with bulk shipments being preferred by customers due to ease of handling and reduced port charges, as well as reduced levels of administration.

The logistics arm of the Group has the necessary road and rail transport capacity, warehousing facilities and port facilities at the Richards Bay Dry Bulk Terminal and the Durban container port to manage Tharisa Minerals’ full production capacity. It also serves as a platform from which the Group can provide services to additional third-party customers.

Arxo Logistics provided third-party logistics services during the year under review and is planning to expand this service offering in the year ahead.