Arxo Resources

Arxo Resources has the exclusive right to sell the metallurgical grade chrome concentrate produced by Tharisa Minerals to customers in China and other international markets. It has established a strong platform with global customers in China including stainless steel and ferrochrome producers, as well as global commodity traders.

Arxo Resources has a marketing agreement with Noble, a global commodities trading company listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange, whereby Noble acts as an agent for the marketing of 600.0 ktpa of metallurgical grade chrome concentrate produced by Tharisa Minerals.

Arxo Resources also has a joint marketing agreement for Tharisa Minerals’ chemical grade chrome concentrate production.

In FY2019, Arxo Resources sold 1.1 Mt (2018: 1.3 Mt) metallurgical grade chrome concentrates, of which 0.9 Mt was produced by Tharisa Minerals.

The scale of Arxo Resources operations allows for direct access to market and price discovery. Its established contacts with customers also directly creates an excellent platform for additional sales of third-party products.